Friday, October 23, 2009

An open letter(from my heart) to my frontal lobe

Hey Lobe,

I just wanted to drop you a line to ask how things are going for you these days. Is there anything I can do to make your stay in the skull a bit more comfortable?

Okay, I know there are things I could do to make you more comfortable but I am just not willing to do them, and for this I apologize. I know our history has been a spotty one and that at times you are not my biggest fan, but we share this body and I think it is time for us to start getting along.

To a casual observer it would seem that lately I have been running the show and putting you in the passenger seat. But god dammit, you are a hell of a back seat driver! Your logic is truthfully undeniable and I am surely no match for your convictions. So I guess this letter is more of a plea to your mercy.

I hope that you can understand that in order for this body to function, we need to both work in cooperation. And I am willing to let you take the reins, but I must ask you not to interfere with my matters any more. In truth, you are infecting me. Your logic, fixations, and facts are things that a heart can not take.

Hopefully all of this computes as I've tried not to be to emotional. But if you take nothing else from this letter let it be that without me you would have no purpose and without you, I would have no way to express myself. In short, we need each other.

looking forward to future collaboration,

The Heart

Monday, October 5, 2009

An open letter to Food.

Dear food,

As you may already know we have been having a hard time getting together as of late. Or at least, I have been having a hard time getting one on one time with you. Perhaps our schedules are out of sync, or maybe you're just avoiding me. In which case I would not blame you.

It's not your fault, you are the food and I am the man. I should be able to just walk up to you and ask you out for lunch; it's simple!

So I guess the problem is me, it always has been. I think that I am afraid because I don't want to scare you away. But that needs to change because I am tired of just letting things happen. I need to take control.

In case you were wondering, I really do like you. And some day I will man up and make something happen between us because that is what I really want to do... Wait, what was I talking about... Right, food.

I'm hungry.


-Paul Myers