Thursday, December 25, 2008

An open letter to studying

Dear studying,

It seems that our brief alliance with the common goal of defeating the math exam was.......beneficial. It pains me to admit it. This changes my whole theory on school and indeed on life. Who would have thought that seeing something repetitively would allow one to remember it more easily in the future; it's just crazy what people will think up. You have to understand that I have hated and avoided you for so long. And it is because of my hate that this letter is so hard for me to write. So it is at this juncture that I have to ask myself 'Is the enemy of my enemy, my friend'? Okay, well maybe not my friend, I mean were not going to hang out on Friday nights and don't even think for a second that I'm going to introduce you to my friends. So don't go leaving your nerd group of friends, 'Notes' and 'Paying Attention in Class' because you think you are too cool for them now. If, I call you to come over, and this is a big if, it will just be the two of us and it will not be for very long. I am a busy man with a reputation to upkeep and I can't be seen with the likes of you.

I can practically smell the arrogance building inside you as you read this. If I hear that you've been telling people that the two of us are ....ugh...cooperating, I will deny it and you will never see me again. Remember this is me doing you a favor and NOT the other way around.

So in the end I don't know why I even ever started hating you in the first place and I don't really care. But if it helps... can blame it on the public school system.


Paul Myers

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